32 Jehu looked up to the window and said, "Who’s on my side? Anyone?" Two or three high officials looked down at him.
33 Then he said, "Throw her out!" So they threw her out of the window. Some of her blood splattered against the wall and on the horses, and they trampled her.
34 Jehu then went in to eat and drink. He said, "Deal with this cursed woman and bury her. She was, after all, a king’s daughter."
35 They went to bury her, but they couldn’t find her body. Only her skull was left, along with her hands and feet.
36 They went back and reported this to Jehu. He said, "This is the Lord’s word spoken through his servant Elijah from Tishbe: Dogs will devour Jezebel’s flesh in the area of Jezreel.
37 Jezebel’s corpse will be like dung spread out in a field in that plot of land in Jezreel, so no one will be able to say, This was Jezebel."