12 After everyone had prayed in the same manner together—pleading with the merciful Lord with weeping and fasting and lying facedown for three days—Judas called them together and commanded them to report for duty.
13 In consultation with the elders, Judas decided to march out to determine the matter by God’s help before the army of the king could enter Judah and take control of the city.
14 He left the decision to the creator of the universe and called on his men to fight to the death for the laws, temple, city, country, and citizenship. He made the region of Modein his headquarters
15 and gave his men the watchword "God’s Victory." He chose the best of the young men, and attacked the king’s quarters in the enemy camp at night. They killed nearly two thousand men as well as the lead elephant, stabbing its rider.
16 After they filled the camp with fear and panic, they departed in good spirits.
17 This had happened just as the day was dawning because the Lord’s protection had come to Judas’ aid.
18 Having received a taste of the Jews’ courage, the king made an attempt on their military positions through other tricks.