29 With shouts and excitement, they praised the ruler in their native language.
30 Their leader, who had always fought for the citizens with body and soul and had carefully preserved the goodwill toward his fellow citizens from his youth, commanded that Nicanor’s head and arm be cut off and carried to Jerusalem.
31 After arriving there, Judas called together his fellow citizens, stationed the priests at the altar, and sent for those from the elevated fortress.
32 He displayed the head of the repulsive Nicanor and the slanderer’s hand, which he had extended against the almighty’s holy house while uttering great boasts.
33 He cut out the tongue of the ungodly Nicanor and ordered that it be given to the birds in pieces, and he hung the rewards of his stupidity in front of the temple.
34 Looking to heaven, everyone praised the Lord, who had made himself known, saying, "Blessed is the one who kept his own holy place pure."
35 Judas hung Nicanor’s head from the elevated fortress in plain sight of all, as a clear sign of the Lord’s help.