14 Seek good and not evil,that you may live;and so the Lord, the God of heavenly forces,will be with you just as you have said.
15 Hate evil, love good,and establish justice at the city gate.Perhaps the Lord God of heavenly forceswill be gracious to what is left of Joseph.
16 Truly, the Lord proclaims,the God of heavenly forces, the Lord:Crying will be heard in all the squares.In all the streets they will say, "Oh no! Oh no!"They will call upon the farmers to wail,and those skilled in mourning to lament.
17 In all the vineyards there will be bitter crying becauseI will pass through your midst,says the Lord.
18 Doom to those who desire the day of the Lord!Why do you want the day of the Lord?It is darkness, not light;
19 as if someone fled from a lion,and was met by a bear;or sought refuge in a house,rested a hand against the wall,and was bitten by a snake.
20 Isn’t the day of the Lord darkness, not light;all dark with no brightness in it?