16 The first day and the seventh day will be a holy occasion for you. No work at all should be done on those days, except for preparing the food that everyone is going to eat. That is the only work you may do.
17 You should observe the Festival of Unleavened Bread, because on this precise day I brought you out of the land of Egypt in military formation. You should observe this day in every generation as a regulation for all time.
18 In the first month, from the evening of the fourteenth day until the evening of the twenty-first day, you should eat unleavened bread.
19 For seven days no yeast should be found in your houses because whoever eats leavened bread will be cut off from the Israelite community, whether the person is an immigrant or a native of the land.
20 You should not eat anything made with yeast in all your settlements. You should eat only unleavened bread."
21 Then Moses called together all of Israel’s elders and said to them, "Go pick out one of the flock for your families, and slaughter the Passover lamb.
22 Take a bunch of hyssop, dip it into the blood that is in the bowl, and touch the beam above the door and the two doorposts with the blood in the bowl. None of you should go out the door of your house until morning.