17 They keep saying to those who scorn God’s message,"All will go well for you,"and to those who follow their own willful hearts,"Nothing bad will happen to you."
18 But who has stood in the Lord’s councilto listen to God’s word?Who has paid attention to his word and announced it?
19 Look! The Lord’s angry storm breaks out;it whirls around the heads of the wicked.
20 The Lord’s fierce angerwon’t turn backuntil it accomplishes all that he has planned.In the days to come,you will understand what this means.
21 I didn’t send the prophets,yet they ran anyway.I didn’t speak to them,yet they prophesied anyway.
22 If they had stood in my council,they would have proclaimedmy words to my people;they would have turned themfrom their evil ways and deeds.
23 The Lord declares, Am I a Godwho is only nearby and not far off?