9 Take some large stones and set them in the clay pavement in front of Pharaoh’s palace in Tahpanhes while the people of Judah are watching.
10 After that, say to the people: The Lord of heavenly forces, the God of Israel, proclaims: I’m sending for my servant King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, who will set his throne over these stones and will spread his canopy over them.
11 He will come and ravage the land of Egypt:those marked for disaster, to disaster,and those marked for exile, to exile.and those marked for war, to war.
12 He will set on fire the temples of the Egyptian gods. He will burn them down and carry off their gods. He will wrap the land of Egypt around himself, just as a shepherd wraps his garment around himself, and he will move on unharmed.
13 He will shatter the sacred pillars in the temple of the sun in Egypt and burn down the temples of the Egyptian gods.