37 A sword against its horsesand chariots,and the mercenaries in its midstso that they lose courage.A sword against its treasuresso that they are looted.
38 A sword against the water suppliesso that they dry up.It is truly the land of idols,idols about which they have gone utterly mad!
39 Therefore, Babylonwill become a ghost town,a place for desert animals,hyenas, and ravenous birds.No one will live there again;no one will make it their home.
40 Just as God destroyed Sodomand Gomorrah and their neighbors,declares the Lord, so no one will live in Babylonor settle there again.
41 Look! An army is on the movefrom the northern regions.A powerful nationand many kings are comingfrom the ends of the earth.
42 Equipped with bow and spear,they are crueland show no mercy.Their horsemen soundlike the roaring sea,arrayed in battle formation against you,Daughter Babylon.
43 The king of Babylon has heardreports of themand is panic-stricken;distress overwhelms him,pain like that of a woman in labor.