9 The Ammonites also crossed the Jordan to make raids into Judah, Benjamin, and the households of Ephraim. So Israel was greatly distressed.
10 Then the Israelites cried out to the Lord, "We’ve sinned against you, for we went away from our God and served the Baals."
11 The Lord replied to the Israelites, "When the Egyptians, Amorites, Ammonites, Philistines,
12 Sidonians, Amalekites, and Maonites oppressed you and you cried out to me, didn’t I rescue you from their power?
13 But you have gone away from me and served other gods, so I won’t rescue you anymore!
14 Go cry out to the gods you’ve chosen. Let them rescue you in the time of your distress."
15 The Israelites responded to the Lord, "We’ve sinned. Do to us whatever you see as right, but please save us this time."