50 After such events as this, the idols, made of wood and covered in gold and silver, will be recognized as fake. It will be clear to the nations and to the rulers that they aren’t gods but human creations. There’s nothing divine about them.
51 Who then doesn’t realize that they aren’t gods?
52 They could never raise up a ruler over a country or provide rain for people.
53 They can’t render a verdict in their own cases, nor can they save those falsely accused, because the idols are powerless. They are like crows between the sky and the earth.
54 When a fire breaks out in the home of their wooden gods covered in gold and silver, their priests will run and save themselves, but the gods will be destroyed like the supporting beams.
55 The idols can’t stand up against kings or enemies in war.
56 So why should anyone consider or call them gods?