53 All you things that grow in the earth, bless the Lord,sing hymns, and lift God highabove all others forever.
54 Oceans and rivers, bless the Lord,sing hymns, and lift God highabove all others forever.
55 Running waters, bless the Lord,sing hymns, and lift God highabove all others forever.
56 Sea monsters and all you things that swarm in the water, bless the Lord,sing hymns, and lift God highabove all others forever.
57 All birds of the sky, bless the Lord,sing hymns, and lift God highabove all others forever.
58 Wild and tame animals, bless the Lord,sing hymns, and lift God highabove all others forever.
59 You human beings, bless the Lord,sing hymns, and lift God highabove all others forever.