10 How beautiful is your loving, my sister, my bride!Your loving is so much better than wine,and your fragrance better than any perfume!
11 Sweetness drops from your lips, my bride;honey and milk are under your tongue,and the fragrance of your garmentsis like the fragrance of Lebanon.
12 An enclosed garden is my sister, my bride;an enclosed pool, a sealed spring.
13 Your limbs are an orchard of pomegranateswith all kinds of luscious fruit,henna, and spices:
14 nard and saffron,sweet cane and cinnamon,with all scented woods,myrrh, and aloes,with the very choicest perfumes!
15 You are a garden spring, a well of fresh water,streams from Lebanon.
16 Stir, north wind, and come, south wind!Blow upon my garden;let its perfumes flow![Woman]Let my love come to his garden;let him eat its luscious fruit!