Tobit 4:11-17 CEB

11 For everyone who does it, donating money to the needy is a good gift in the sight of the Most High.

12 “Child, keep yourself away from all inappropriate sex. First, take a wife from the descendants of your ancestors, and don’t take a foreign woman who isn’t from your ancestral tribe, for we are children of the prophets. Noah was first a prophet, and then Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, our ancestors from earlier times. Remember, my child, that they all took wives from their relatives. They were blessed through their children, and their descendants will inherit the land.

13 “And now, my child, love your relatives and don’t be too proud in your heart to take a daughter from the descendants of your people as your wife. In pride there is much ruin and instability, and laziness results in loss and great poverty, for laziness is the mother of hunger.

14 “Pay the wages of any person who works with you that same day. Don’t delay to pay a person’s wages, and your own wages will certainly not be withheld if you truly serve God. Keep yourself under control, my child, in everything you do and be disciplined in every aspect of your behavior.

15 “What you yourself hate, do that to no one. Don’t get drunk with wine, and don’t let drunkards accompany you on your way.

16 “Give some of your food to the one who is hungry and some of your clothing to those who are naked. Give away all your surplus to the poor, and don’t let your eye be resentful when you give your things away.

17 “Place your bread and wine on the tombs of the righteous, but don’t give anything to sinners.