13 I learned in innocence, and I don’t begrudge sharing it with you. I won’t conceal her riches.
14 She’s a never-ending treasure for humans. Those who possess her are ready to be God’s friends, commended for the gifts that come from instruction.
15 I pray that God will allow me to speak knowledgeably and to ponder well what God has taught me. God himself is the guide even of Wisdom, and God keeps those who already possess wisdom on the right course.
16 We’re in God’s hands, as are our words, all our reasoning, and all our practical knowledge.
17 He’s given me accurate knowledge of all that is—of how the world is made and holds together, and of the forces at work in the world’s essential elements.
18 He’s given me knowledge of the beginning, end, and middle of time; of the alternation of the solstices and the changes of seasons;
19 of the cycle of the year and the positions of the stars;