5 I say this to your shame. Aren't any of you wise enough to act as a judge between one follower and another?
6 Why should one of you take another to be tried by unbelievers?
7 When one of you takes another to court, all of you lose. It would be better to let yourselves be cheated and robbed.
8 But instead, you cheat and rob other followers.
9 Don't you know that evil people won't have a share in the blessings of God's kingdom? Don't fool yourselves! No one who is immoral or worships idols or is unfaithful in marriage or is a pervert or behaves like a homosexual
10 will share in God's kingdom. Neither will any thief or greedy person or drunkard or anyone who curses and cheats others.
11 Some of you used to be like that. But now the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of God's Spirit have washed you and made you holy and acceptable to God.