18 When they saw the smoke from her fire, they shouted, “This was the greatest city ever!”
19 They cried loudly, and in their sorrow they threw dust on their heads, as they said,“Pity the great cityof Babylon!Everyone who sailed the seasbecame richfrom her treasures.But in a single hourthe city was destroyed.
20 The heavens should be happywith God's peopleand apostles and prophets.God has punished herfor them.”
21 A powerful angel then picked up a huge stone and threw it into the sea. The angel said,“This is how the great cityof Babylonwill be thrown down,never to rise again.
22 The music of harps and singersand of flutes and trumpetswill no longer be heard.No workers will everset up shop in that city,and the soundof grinding grainwill be silenced for ever.
23 Lamps will no longer shineanywhere in Babylon,and couples will never againsay wedding vows there.Her merchants ruledthe earth,and by her witchcraftshe fooled all nations.
24 On the streets of Babylonis found the bloodof God's peopleand of his prophets,and everyone else.”