18 This is what I was doing when I was found going through a ceremony in the temple. I wasn't with a crowd, and there was no uproar.
19 Some Jews from Asia were there at that time, and if they have anything to say against me, they should be here now.
20 Or ask the ones who are here. They can tell you that they didn't find me guilty of anything when I was tried by their own council.
21 The only charge they can bring against me is what I shouted out in court, when I said, “I am on trial today because I believe that the dead will be raised to life!”
22 Felix knew a lot about the Lord's Way. But he brought the trial to an end and said, “I will make my decision after Lysias the commander arrives.”
23 He then ordered the army officer to keep Paul under guard, but not to lock him up or to stop his friends from helping him.
24 Several days later Felix and his wife Drusilla, who was Jewish, went to the place where Paul was kept under guard. They sent for Paul and listened while he spoke to them about having faith in Christ Jesus.