19 But you are our Lord and our God! We ask you to keep us safe from the Assyrian king. Then everyone in every kingdom on earth will know that you are the only God.
20 Isaiah went to Hezekiah and told him that the Lord God of Israel had said:Hezekiah, I heard your prayer about King Sennacherib of Assyria.
21 Now this is what I say to that king:The people of Jerusalemhate and make fun of you;they laughbehind your back.
22 Sennacherib, you cursed,shouted, and sneered at me,the holy God of Israel.
23 You let your officialsinsult me, the Lord.And here is what youhave said about yourself,“I led my chariotsto the highest heightsof Lebanon's mountains.I went deep into its forest,cutting down the best cedarand cypress trees.
24 I dried up every streamin the land of Egypt,and I drank waterfrom wells I had dug.”
25 Sennacherib, now listento me, the Lord.I planned all this long ago.And you don't even realizethat I alone am the onewho decided that youwould do these things.I let you make ruinsof fortified cities.