5 When the Lord God All-Powerfultouches the earth, it melts,and its people mourn.God makes the earth riseand then fall,just like the River Nile.
6 He built his palace in the heavensand let its foundationsrest on the earth.He scoops up the oceanand empties it on the earth.His name is the Lord.
7 Israel, I am the Lord God,and the Ethiopiansare no less important to methan you are.I brought you out of Egypt,but I also broughtthe Philistines from Creteand the Arameans from Kir.
8 My eyes have seenwhat a sinful nation you are,and I'll wipe you out.But I will leave a fewof Jacob's descendants.I, the Lord, have spoken!
9 At my command, all of youwill be sifted like grain.Israelites who remain faithfulwill be scatteredamong the nations.And the others will be trappedlike rubbish in a sieve.
10 Some of you are evil,and you denythat you will ever get caught.But you will be killed.
11 In the future, I will rebuildDavid's fallen kingdom.I will build it from its ruinsand set it up again,just as it used to be.