10 Israel, the Lord discovered youin a barren desertfilled with howling winds.God became your fortress,protecting you as thoughyou were his own eyes.
11 The Lord was like an eagleteaching its young to fly,always ready to swoop downand catch them on its back.
12 Israel, the Lord led you,and without the aidof a foreign god,
13 he helped youcapture the land.Your fields were richwith grain.Olive trees grewin your stony soil,and honey was foundamong the rocks.
14 Your flocks and herdsproduced milk and yoghurt,and you got choice meatfrom your sheep and goatsthat grazed in Bashan.Your wheat was the finest,and you drank the best wine.
15 Israel, you grew fat and rebelledagainst God, your Creator;you rejected the Mighty Rock,your only place of safety.
16 You made God jealous and angryby worshipping disgusting idolsand foreign gods.