3 But those who have never been born are better off than anyone else, because they have never seen the terrible things that happen on this earth.”
4 Then I realized that we work and do wonderful things just because we are jealous of others. This makes no more sense than chasing the wind.
5 Fools will fold their handsand starve to death.
6 Yet a very little foodeaten in peaceis better than twice as muchearned from overworkand chasing the wind.
7 Once again I saw that nothing on earth makes sense.
8 For example, some people don't have friends or family. But they are never satisfied with what they own, and they never stop working to get more. They should ask themselves, “Why am I always working to have more? Who will get what I leave behind?” What a senseless and miserable life!
9 You are better off having a friend than being all alone, because then you will get more enjoyment out of what you earn.