6 I am sending the Babylonians.They are fierce and cruel—marching across the land,conquering cities and towns.
7 How fearsome and frightening.Their only laws and rulesare the ones they make up.
8 Their cavalry troops are fasterthan leopards,more ferocious than wolveshunting at sunset,and swifter than hungry eaglessuddenly swooping down.
9 They are eager to destroy,and they gather captiveslike handfuls of sand.
10 They make fun of rulersand laugh at fortresses,while building earth moundsso they can capture cities.
11 Then suddenly they disappearlike a gust of wind—those sinful people who worshiptheir own strength.
12 Holy Lord God, mighty rock,you are eternal,and we are safe from death.You are using those Babyloniansto judge and punish others.