4 Israel, you break treatiesand don't keep promises;you turn justiceinto poisonous weedswhere healthy plants should grow.
5 All who live in Samaria tremblewith concern for the idolsat sinful Bethel.The idol there was the prideof the priests,but it has been put to shame;now everyone will cry.
6 It will be taken to Assyriaand given to the great king.Then Israel will be disgracedfor worshipping that idol.
7 Like a twig in a stream,the king of Samariawill be swept away.
8 The altars at sinful Bethelwill be destroyedfor causing Israel to sin;they will be overgrownwith thorns and thistles.Then everyone will begthe mountains and hillsto cover and protect them.
9 Israel, you have neverstopped sinningsince that time at Gibeah.That's why youwill be attacked at Gibeah.
10 Your sins have doubled,and you are rebellious.Now I have decidedto send nations to attackand put you in chains.