4 They will die of horrible diseases and of war and starvation. No one will give them a funeral or bury them, and their bodies will be food for the birds and wild animals. And what's left will lie on the ground like manure.
5 When someone dies, don't visit the family or show any sorrow. I will no longer love or bless or have any pity on the people of Judah.
6 Rich and poor alike will die and be left unburied. No one will mourn and show their sorrow by cutting themselves or shaving their heads.
7 No one will bring food and wine to help comfort those who are mourning the death of their father or mother.
8 Don't even set foot in a house where there is eating and drinking and celebrating.
9 Warn the people of Judah that I, the Lord All-Powerful, will put an end to all their parties and wedding celebrations.
10 They will ask, “Why has the Lord our God threatened us with so many disasters? Have we done something wrong or sinned against him?”