10 But the Lord All-Powerfulwill win this battleand take revengeon his enemies.His sword will eat themand drink their blooduntil it is full.They will be killed in the northnear the River Euphrates,as a sacrifice to the Lord.
11 Egypt, no medicine can heal you,not even the soothing lotionfrom Gilead.
12 All nations have heard you weep;you are disgraced,and they know it.Your troops fall to the ground,stumbling over each other.
13-14 When King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia was on his way to attack Egypt, the Lord sent me with a warning for every Egyptian town, but especially for Migdol, Memphis, and Tahpanhes. He said I must tell them:Prepare to defend yourselves!Everywhere in your nation,people are dying in war.
15 I have struck downyour mighty god Apisand chased him away.
16 Your soldiers stumbleover each otherand say, “Get up!The enemy will kill us,unless we can escapeto our own land.”
17 Give the king of Egyptthis new name,“Talks-Big-Does-Nothing”.