10 I have told the peoplethat you, Lord,will punish them,but they just laughand refuse to listen.
11 Your anger against Judahflames up inside me,and I can't hold it inmuch longer.Don't hold back my anger!Let it sweep away everyone—the children at playand all adults,young and old alike.
12 I'll punish the people of Judahand give to otherstheir houses and fields,as well as their wives.I, the Lord, have spoken.
13 Everyone is greedy and dishonest,whether poor or rich.Even the prophets and priestscannot be trusted.
14 All they ever offerto my deeply wounded peopleare empty hopes for peace.
15 They should be ashamedof their disgusting sins,but they don't even blush.And so, when I punish Judah,they will end up on the ground,dead like everyone else.I, the Lord, have spoken.
16 The Lord said:My people, when you stoodat the crossroads,I told you, “Follow the roadyour ancestors took,and you will find peace.”But you refused.