3 The Lord replied:Lies come from the mouthsof my people,like arrows from a bow.With each dishonest deedtheir power increases,and not one of them will admitthat I am God.
4 Jeremiah, all your friendsand relativestell lies about you,so don't trust them.
5 They wear themselves out,always looking for a new wayto cheat their friends.
6 Everyone takes advantageof everyone else,and no one will admitthat I am God.
7 And so I will purifythe hearts of my peoplejust as gold is purifiedin a furnace.I have no other choice.
8 They say they want peace,but this lie is deadly,like an arrow that strikeswhen you least expect it.
9 Give me one good reasonnot to punish themas they deserve.I, the Lord All-Powerful,have spoken.