1 Nineveh, someone is comingto attack and scatter you.Guard your fortresses!Watch the road! Be brave!Prepare for battle!
2 Judah and Israel are like treeswith branches brokenby their enemies.But the Lord is going to restoretheir power and glory.
3-4 Nineveh, on this day of attack,your enemies' shields are red;their uniforms are crimson.Their horses prance,and their armoured chariotsdart around like lightningor flaming torches.
5 An officer gives a command.But his soldiers stumble,as they hasten to builda shelter to protect themselvesagainst rocks thrown downfrom the city wall.
6 The river gates fly open,and panic floods the palace.
7 Nineveh is disgraced.The queen is dragged off.Her servant women mourn;they sound like doves,and they beat their breastsin sorrow.