7 Your allies can't be trusted.They will force you outof your own country.Your best friendswill trick and trap you,even before you know it.
8 Edom, when this happens,I, the Lord, will destroyall your marvellous wisdom.
9 Warriors from the city of Temanwill be terrified,and you descendants of Esauwill be wiped out.
10 You were cruel to your relatives,the descendants of Jacob.Now you will be destroyed,disgraced for ever.
11 You stood there and watchedas foreigners entered Jerusalemand took what they wanted.In fact, you were no betterthan those foreigners.
12 Why did you celebratewhen such a dreadful disasterstruck your relatives?Why were you so pleasedwhen everyone in Judahwas suffering?
13 They are my people,and you were cruel to them.You went through their towns,sneering and stealingwhatever was left.