5 They will join in the fighting,and together they will trampletheir enemies like mud.They will fight,because I, the Lord,will be on their side.And they will crushthe enemy cavalry.
6 I will strengthenthe kingdoms of Judahand Israel.And I will show mercybecause I am the Lord,their God.I will answer their prayersand bring them home.Then it will seem as thoughI had never rejected them.
7 Israel will be likea tribe of warriorscelebrating with wine.When their children see this,they will also be happybecause of me, the Lord.
8 I will give a signalfor them to come togetherbecause I have rescued them.And there will be as manyas ever before.
9 Although I scattered my peoplein distant countries,they won't forget me.Once their children are raised,they will return—
10 I will bring them homefrom Egypt and Assyria,then let them settleas far as Gilead and Lebanon,until the land overflowswith them.
11 My people will go throughan ocean of troubles,but I will overcome the wavesand dry up the deepest partof the Nile.Assyria's great pridewill be put down,and the power of Egyptwill disappear.