1 Stop being hateful! Quit trying to fool people, and start being sincere. Don't be jealous or say cruel things about others.
2 Be like newborn babies who are thirsty for the pure spiritual milk that will help you grow and be saved.
3 You have already found out how good the Lord really is.
4 Come to Jesus Christ. He is the living stone people have rejected, but which God has chosen and highly honored.
5 And now you are living stones being used to build a spiritual house. You are also a group of holy priests, and with the help of Jesus Christ you will offer sacrifices that please God.
6 It is just as God says in the Scriptures,“Look! I am placing in Ziona choice and preciouscornerstone.No one who has faithin this onewill be disappointed.”
7 You are followers of the Lord, and this stone is precious to you. But it isn't precious to those who refuse to follow him. They are the builders who tossed aside the stone that turned out to be the most important one of all.