4 Everything God created is good. And if you give thanks, you may eat anything.
5 What God has said and your prayer will make it fit to eat.
6 If you teach these things to other followers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus. You will show you have grown up on the teachings about our faith and on the good instructions you have obeyed.
7 Don't have anything to do with worthless, senseless stories. Work hard to be truly religious.
8-9 As the saying goes,“Exercise is goodfor your body,but religion helps youin every way.It promises lifenow and forever.”These words are worthwhile and should not be forgotten.
10 We have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of everyone, but especially of those who have faith. This is why we work and struggle so hard.
11 Teach these things and tell everyone to do what you say.