14 Peter stood with the eleven apostles and spoke in a loud and clear voice to the crowd:Friends and everyone else living in Jerusalem, listen carefully to what I have to say!
15 You are wrong to think that these people are drunk. After all, it is only nine o'clock in the morning.
16 But this is what God told the prophet Joel to say,
17 “When the last days come,I will give my Spiritto everyone.Your sons and daughterswill prophesy.Your young menwill see visions,and your old menwill have dreams.
18 In those days I will givemy Spirit to my servants,both men and women,and they will prophesy.
19 I will work miraclesin the sky aboveand wonderson the earth below.There will be blood and fireand clouds of smoke.
20 The sun will turn dark,and the moonwill be as red as bloodbefore the greatand wonderful dayof the Lord appears.