1 When the riot was over, Paul sent for the followers and encouraged them. He then told them goodbye and left for Macedonia.
2 As he traveled from place to place, he encouraged the followers with many messages. Finally, he went to Greece
3 and stayed there for three months.Paul was about to sail to Syria. But some of the Jewish leaders plotted against him, so he decided to return by way of Macedonia.
4 With him were Sopater, son of Pyrrhus from Berea, and Aristarchus and Secundus from Thessalonica. Gaius from Derbe was also with him, and so were Timothy and the two Asians, Tychicus and Trophimus.
5 They went on ahead to Troas and waited for us there.
6 After the Festival of Thin Bread, we sailed from Philippi. Five days later we met them in Troas and stayed there for a week.
7 On the first day of the week we met to break bread together. Paul spoke to the people until midnight because he was leaving the next morning.