9 Those who were traveling with me saw the light, but did not hear the voice.
10 I asked, “Lord, what do you want me to do?”Then he told me, “Get up and go to Damascus. When you get there, you will be told what to do.”
11 The light had been so bright that I couldn't see. And the others had to lead me by the hand to Damascus.
12 In that city there was a man named Ananias, who faithfully obeyed the Law of Moses and was well liked by all the Jewish people living there.
13 He came to me and said, “Saul, my friend, you can now see again!”At once I could see.
14 Then Ananias told me, “The God that our ancestors worshiped has chosen you to know what he wants done. He has chosen you to see the One Who Obeys God and to hear his voice.
15 You must tell everyone what you have seen and heard.