7 The governor of the island was named Publius, and he owned some of the land around there. Publius was very friendly and welcomed us into his home for three days.
8 His father was in bed, sick with fever and stomach trouble, and Paul went to visit him. Paul healed the man by praying and placing his hands on him.
9 After this happened, everyone on the island brought their sick people to Paul, and they were all healed.
10 The people were very respectful to us, and when we sailed, they gave us everything we needed.
11 Three months later we sailed in a ship that had been docked at Malta for the winter. The ship was from Alexandria in Egypt and was known as “The Twin Gods.”
12 We arrived in Syracuse and stayed for three days.
13 From there we sailed to Rhegium. The next day a south wind began to blow, and two days later we arrived in Puteoli.