13 Jesus put his hand on him and said, “I want to! Now you are well.” At once the man's leprosy disappeared.
14 Jesus told him, “Don't tell anyone about this, but go and show yourself to the priest. Offer a gift to the priest, just as Moses commanded, and everyone will know that you have been healed.”
15 News about Jesus kept spreading. Large crowds came to listen to him teach and to be healed of their diseases.
16 But Jesus would often go to some place where he could be alone and pray.
17 One day some Pharisees and experts in the Law of Moses sat listening to Jesus teach. They had come from every village in Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem.God had given Jesus the power to heal the sick,
18 and some people came carrying a man on a mat because he could not walk. They tried to take him inside the house and put him in front of Jesus.
19 But because of the crowd, they could not get him to Jesus. So they went up on the roof, where they removed some tiles and let the mat down in the middle of the room.