3 If anyone asks why you are doing this, just say, ‘The Lord needs them.’ He will at once let you have the donkeys.”
4 So God's promise came true, just as the prophet had said,
5 “Announce to the peopleof Jerusalem:‘Your king is coming to you!He is humbleand rides on a donkey.He comes on the coltof a donkey.’ ”
6 The disciples left and did what Jesus had told them to do.
7 They brought the donkey and its colt and laid some clothes on their backs. Then Jesus got on.
8 Many people spread clothes in the road, while others put down branches which they had cut from trees.
9 Some people walked ahead of Jesus and others followed behind. They were all shouting,“Hooray for the Son of David!God bless the one who comesin the name of the Lord.Hooray for Godin heaven above!”