7 Pay all that you owe, whether it is taxes and fees or respect and honor.
8 Let love be your only debt! If you love others, you have done all that the Law demands.
9 In the Law there are many commands, such as, “Be faithful in marriage. Do not murder. Do not steal. Do not want what belongs to others.” But all of these are summed up in the command that says, “Love others as much as you love yourself.”
10 No one who loves others will harm them. So love is all that the Law demands.
11 You know what sort of times we live in, and so you should live properly. It is time to wake up. You know that the day when we will be saved is nearer now than when we first put our faith in the Lord.
12 Night is almost over, and day will soon appear. We must stop behaving as people do in the dark and be ready to live in the light.
13 So behave properly, as people do in the day. Don't go to wild parties or get drunk or be vulgar or indecent. Don't quarrel or be jealous.