22 He took the table for the sacred loaves of bread as well as the special bowls, the cups for wine offerings, the curtain, the crowns, and the gold pots for burning incense. Antiochus even stripped off every piece of the gold decoration from the front of the temple.
23 He also took the silver, the gold, the fine dishes, and the other treasures that he found hidden in the temple.
24 Then he returned to his own country with the things he had stolen.Antiochus had murdered many people and boasted about what he had done.*
25 And so, all of Israel's leadersand everyone elsecried and moaned.
26 Young people became sick,and womenlost their beauty.
27 Newlyweds sang about deathand mournedon their wedding day.
28 The land itself felt sorrow,and everyone in Israelwas terribly ashamed.