24 Jonathan found out that the officers of King Demetrius the Second were now ready to invade his country with a more powerful army than before.
25 Jonathan did not want the king's army to invade Jerusalem, so he led his troops to the region around Hamath, where he saw the enemy camp.
26 Jonathan sent out spies, who came back and reported, “The king's army is getting ready to attack us tonight.”
27 At sunset, Jonathan stationed some of his troops on lookout duty around the camp, and he told the others, “Stay awake and be ready to fight at any time.”
28 But the king's troops lost their nerve and were frightened when someone informed them that the Jews were ready for their attack. So they lit campfires and ran away.
29 The campfires burned all night, and the Jews did not find out until morning that the enemy had left.
30 Jonathan sent troops after them, but the king's army had already crossed the Eleutherus River.