8 When Onias read this, he welcomed your messenger with honors, because your letter clearly stated that Jews and Spartans should become friends and allies.
9 We Jews don't really need friends and allies, since our Scriptures give us hope and strength.
10 But we decided to write you anyway to renew our friendship and to make sure that we are still on good terms. After all, it has been a long time since you wrote us, and we don't want to become like strangers to each other.
11 It is our custom and duty to remember relatives. So during our festivals and other special days, we always think of you as we pray and offer sacrifices.
12 We are very pleased that you have become so famous.
13 We have had plenty of troubles and wars of our own. Even the nearby kings have attacked us.
14 However, there was no reason to bother you or other friends and allies with our problems.