27-28 This is what they wrote:After Simon the great high priest had ruled for three years in Asaramel, our priests, rulers, and leaders held an important meeting on the eighteenth day of the month of Elul in the year 172 of the Syrian Kingdom. This is what we were told:
29 “Simon the son of Mattathias was a priest from Joarib's family. He and his brothers risked their lives and fought back whenever our enemies attacked us. They protected our temple and the Law of Moses, and they made us famous.
30 “Simon's brother Jonathan united our people, and we chose him to be our high priest. But after he died,
31 our enemies prepared to invade Judea, because they wanted to attack our temple and destroy the country.
32 “Simon took command of our army. He spent a lot of his own money to pay our soldiers and to buy weapons and armor for us.
33 He put up strong walls and towers in the towns of Judea, as well as in the border town of Beth-Zur, where the enemy used to store weapons. Then he stationed Jewish soldiers at Beth-Zur.
34 “Simon built a fortress in the coastal town of Joppa as well as in the town of Gazara, because it was close to Azotus, which had been a stronghold for our enemies. Simon settled Jews in Gazara, and he gave everyone in these towns whatever they needed to make the towns fit to live in.