30 Simon, give back these towns and return the tax money from the places you captured outside of Judea.
31 If you don't want to do this, then pay 500,000 pieces of silver for damaging the towns you captured. And turn over to me 500,000 more to make up for the tax money you took from the towns.If you don't do this, it's war!
32 When Athenobius arrived in Jerusalem, he could not take his eyes off Simon's great wealth. Simon had a table with dishes made of gold and silver, and he owned many other valuable things. Then Athenobius told Simon what the king had said.
33 Simon answered:Our ancestors gave us this land and property. Later our enemies stole it from us. So how can you say we have taken things that belong to others?
34 We intend to keep our land and property now that we have them back once again.
35-36 The towns of Joppa and Gazara that you want have been a constant bother to us, and we will pay you 100,000 pieces of silver for them.Athenobius was so furious that he could not speak. He returned to Antiochus and told him what Simon had said. He also let him know about Simon's great wealth and everything else he had seen. This report made Antiochus very angry.
37 Meanwhile, Trypho had escaped by ship from Dor and sailed to the town of Orthosia.