17 So Ptolemy betrayed a friend and proved that he could not be trusted.
18 Ptolemy wrote and told King Antiochus that he had killed Simon. He asked the king to give him soldiers and to put him in command of Judea and its towns.
19-20 Ptolemy also wrote letters to the Jewish army commanders, promising them silver and gold and other gifts if they would help him.Some of Ptolemy's troops set out to take over Jerusalem and the temple hill, while others went to murder John in Gazara.
21 But someone warned John, “Ptolemy has already murdered your father and brothers. And now he has sent soldiers to kill you!”
22 John was shocked by this news. He found out which soldiers had come to kill him, and he had them arrested and put to death.
23-24 Everything else John the high priest did is found in his priestly record books that tell about his wars, his victories, and how he rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem. John began keeping records as soon as he had taken his father's place as high priest.