17 The officials said to Mattathias:You're an important and honored leader in this town, and your relatives will follow your example.
18 So why don't you obey the king and accept his religion, just as every Gentile and Jew in Judea and Jerusalem has already done? Then you and your family will be known as “Trusted Friends of the King,” and you will be rewarded with gold and silver and other gifts.
19 Mattathias answered in a loud voice:What do I care if everyone in the king's entire kingdom turns from their own religion and starts obeying his laws?
20 My family and I will always keep the promises our ancestors made to God.
21-22 We will never give up our faith or disobey even one of God's laws. We will not obey Antiochus!
23 When Mattathias finished speaking, everyone watched as a Jew from Modein stepped forward to obey the king by offering a sacrifice on the altar.
24 Mattathias was furious, and he was so eager to see justice done that he rushed over to the altar and killed the man.