10 Bacchides and Alcimus led a powerful army to Judea. Then they sent Judas and his brothers some messengers who lied and promised peace.
11 But no one believed them, because Bacchides and Alcimus had brought such a large army.
12-13 Some very devout Jews wanted to make peace with the Gentiles. So they sent some of their experts in the Law of Moses to ask Bacchides and Alcimus to treat their people fairly.
14 These experts had said to themselves, “Alcimus has come with the army, but he is a priest from the family of Aaron, and he will surely treat us with kindness.”
15 Alcimus promised to let these devout Jews live in peace,
16 and they believed him. But he later arrested 60 of them and put them all to death in one day. This is what the Scriptures said would happen:
17 The blood-stained bodiesof God's faithful peoplenow lie scatteredeverywhere in Jerusalem.And there's no one leftto bury the dead.