11 The Romans destroyed the rest of the kingdoms and islands that opposed them, and they put Roman rulers in charge.
12-13 But they are kind to their allies and to other nations who ask for help.If the Romans want to make someone a king, they do it. If they want to get rid of a king, they do that too. The way the Romans treat kings all over the world makes everyone terrified of them.Although Rome is a mighty nation,
14 its rulers don't show off by wearing crowns or purple robes.
15 Instead, they have built a meeting house where 320 senators meet each day to pass good laws for ruling their nation.
16 Every year, the Romans elect one man to govern them and the countries under their control. Everyone obeys this ruler, and no one is ever jealous of him.
17-18 Judas realized that he needed to make an agreement with the Romans in order to rescue his people from King Demetrius, who wanted to make them his slaves. So Judas sent Eupolemus and Jason to work out an agreement with them.
19 After making the long trip to Rome, they met with the Roman senators and said,