17-18 Judas realized that he needed to make an agreement with the Romans in order to rescue his people from King Demetrius, who wanted to make them his slaves. So Judas sent Eupolemus and Jason to work out an agreement with them.
19 After making the long trip to Rome, they met with the Roman senators and said,
20 “Judas Maccabeus and his brothers, together with all our people, have sent us, because they want you to make a peace treaty with us Jews and let us be your allies.”
21 The Romans liked what Eupolemus and Jason said,
22 and they replied by writing a letter on sheets of bronze. They sent the letter to Jerusalem, to serve as a reminder that Rome was a friend and ally. The letter said:
23 We pray that all will go well with the Romans and Jews, both on land and sea, and that we will never have any wars or enemies.
24-25 You Jewish people must be ready and willing to do all you can, if enemies attack Rome or any of the nations under our rule.