60 Then Bacchides set out for Judea with a large army. On the way, he sent secret orders for his followers there to capture Jonathan and his troops.But they could not do this, because Jonathan and his followers learned of Bacchides' plan,
61 and so they arrested about fifty leaders of the plot and put them to death.
62 Jonathan and Simon led their forces to the desert town of Beth-Basi. Part of the town had been destroyed, but they repaired it and built high walls with strong gates.
63 When Bacchides found out about this, he got together his whole army and sent orders to his followers in Judea.
64 Then he led his army to Beth-Basi and surrounded the town. His soldiers set up weapons to break through the walls, and they attacked that town for a long time.
65 At one point in the battle, Jonathan put his brother Simon in command of the town. Then he led a small group into the country,
66 where he defeated Odomera and his tribe. He also wiped out another tribe called the Phasirites.